Discovering God in all parts of your life
Sermon Series
Discovering God in all parts of your life
Sermon Series
Sermon Series
Sermon Series
2024-02-04 Being Generous with your time
Title: "The Generosity of Time: A Christian Imperative" In a fast-paced world, where time is often scarce, we turn to the teachings of Jesus for guidance on how we can embody generosity in the use of this precious resource - time. We will look at Jesus attitude was of time in a practical way, for himself, friends and family as well as Gods greater calling. I practical sermon, to help[...]
2024 01 21 Sermon 4 – Is there such a thing as a “Just War”?
In exploring the concept of a just war, this sermon shifts its focus towards alternative possibilities and the prevention of conflict. Emphasizing Christian peacemaking, the discourse examines the effectiveness of nonviolent approaches and showcases evidence of their success. Delving into the question of what makes Christian peacemaking impactful, the sermon encourages reflection on proactive measures that not only avert the onset of war but also contribute to fostering peaceful solutions.[...]
2024 01 14 Sermon 3 – Is there such a thing as a “Just War”?
As we delve into today's sermon topic, "Does Just War Theory still work with modern-day weapons, or do we need to restart as a Christian church and support Just Peacemaking?" I encourage each one of you to actively engage with this thought-provoking question. Share your reflections, questions, and comments, as we believe that collective wisdom enhances our understanding. Feel free to leave your thoughts, and rest assured that all questions[...]
2024 01 07 Sermon 2 – Is there such a thing as a “Just War”?
The sermon series will delve into the concept of Christian Pacifism, examining its biblical foundation and questioning whether churches should ever endorse war. This week we will be looking at why God appoints/allows Civil Governments and not the church over protection of the people. "Be subject for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to[...]
2023 12 31 Sermon 1 – Is there such a thing as a “Just War”?
The sermon series will delve into the concept of Christian Pacifism, examining its biblical foundation and questioning whether churches should ever endorse war. The inaugural sermon of this series will explore the origins of the "Just war" theory, contemplating history and reasoning. The question at hand is whether it is compatible with Jesus' teachings on "loving your enemies." David Champness 30/12/2023 12:27:22 pm Augustine[...]
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