In our fast-paced world, we often forget the feeling of being new in a community, whether it’s at work, in a new neighbourhood, joining a community group, or finding your place in a church community. However, it’s crucial, according to biblical teachings, that we embrace openness and extend invitations to those around us.

But how can we embody these principles in a world as diverse as ours with many cultural differences?

We invite you to share your questions, ideas, or suggestions on how we can support others. Even sharing a story of encouragement can make a difference. Let’s come together and explore ways to foster inclusivity and warmth in our communities.

11/2/2024 10:50:38 am
Acceptance with love and kindness like Jesus.

David Champness
11/2/2024 01:01:22 pm
(Amen mean means I agree – as agreement)

11/2/2024 10:56:10 am

Make Jesus as our role model so we can care and be hospitable to people in need.

David Champness
11/2/2024 01:08:05 pm
Amen – I agree

11/2/2024 10:57:57 am
Sympathy in action

David Champness
11/2/2024 01:02:03 pm

11/2/2024 11:02:20 am
Actively giving (your time and availability) and caring without expecting anything in return

David Champness
11/2/2024 01:09:27 pm

11/2/2024 11:05:13 am
Giving up your comfort zone so you can assist someone in need

David Champness
11/2/2024 01:04:59 pm
Thankyou Jovi.
You have said some great stuff which I agree with you whole-heartedly.
There is wisdom in what you have shared with us.