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Sermon 2024-08-11 – Understanding the Beatitudes: The Call to Mercy

Understanding the Beatitudes: The Call to Mercy Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. - Mat 5:7 The Sermon on the Mount is one of the most profound teachings of Jesus, where He outlines the Beatitudes—a series of blessings that describe the character and rewards of those who follow Him. Among these is the blessing, "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy." This simple yet powerful[...]

By |19 August 2024|Categories: articles, sermon series|Tags: |Comments Off on Sermon 2024-08-11 – Understanding the Beatitudes: The Call to Mercy

Sermon 2025-08-04 How Should Christians Respond to Mockery?

How Should Christians Respond to Mockery? Recently, an incident at the Paris Olympics' opening ceremony caused a stir in the Christian community. This article addresses the significance of that event and how believers should respond. During the opening ceremony, a controversial artwork resembling the Last Supper, but featuring LGBTQ figures and symbols, was displayed. This prompted widespread debate about whether it mocked Christianity and how believers should respond. The scene,[...]

By |7 August 2024|Categories: articles, sermon series|Tags: |Comments Off on Sermon 2025-08-04 How Should Christians Respond to Mockery?

What Makes a Marriage Distinctively Christian?

What Makes a Marriage Distinctively Christian? Many elements mark a distinctively Christian marriage but two essential factors that must be considered are a unique purpose and a different kind of love. These characteristics are not merely human efforts but are grounded in the transforming grace of God. A Unique Purpose in MarriageIn today’s world, many people marry for self-centred reasons, such as companionship, economic benefits, or escaping difficult situations. At[...]

By |6 August 2024|Categories: articles|Tags: |Comments Off on What Makes a Marriage Distinctively Christian?

The Benefits of Belonging to a Small Church (III)

The Benefits of Being in a Small Church - Shared Leadership The size of a congregation significantly influences the dynamics and experiences within a church community. While large churches offer extensive programs and resources, smaller churches provide unique advantages, particularly in terms of leadership and member involvement. Shared Leadership One of the key benefits of small churches is the opportunity for shared and collaborative leadership. In smaller congregations, leadership is[...]

By |29 July 2024|Categories: articles|Tags: |Comments Off on The Benefits of Belonging to a Small Church (III)

Justice for All: The Importance of Protecting Children Beyond Appearance

Justice for All: The Importance of Protecting Children Beyond Appearance Baptist World Aid is making a significant shift in its Child Sponsorship program, prioritizing the protection and dignity of children involved in their initiatives. By covering participants' faces with a friendly yellow sticker on promotional cards and online, they aim to enhance the ethics and safety of their Child Sponsorship promotion. This change is rooted in justice, ensuring that support[...]

By |24 July 2024|Categories: articles|Tags: |Comments Off on Justice for All: The Importance of Protecting Children Beyond Appearance

The Benefits of Belonging to a Small Church (II)

The Benefits of Being in a Small Church - Higher Levels of Engagement When considering the advantages of belonging to a church, the size of the congregation can play a significant role in shaping the experience. While larger churches offer diverse programs and extensive resources, smaller churches present unique benefits, particularly in terms of member engagement and community involvement.  "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love[...]

By |22 July 2024|Categories: articles|Tags: |Comments Off on The Benefits of Belonging to a Small Church (II)

The Wisdom of Unanswered Prayers

Introduction In our spiritual journey, the concept of unanswered prayers can often be perplexing. We may find ourselves wondering why our earnest petitions seem to fall on deaf ears. However, understanding the reasons behind unanswered prayers can lead us to deeper spiritual insights and growth. The words of James in the Bible provide profound wisdom on this subject: "When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong[...]

By |15 July 2024|Categories: articles|0 Comments

Clayfield Baptist Church: A Legacy of Missionary Work

Clayfield Baptist Church: A Legacy of Missionary Work Nestled behind the Toombul Shopping Centre, the Clayfield Baptist Church stands as a testament to enduring faith and community spirit. Originating in the 1860s as Zion Hill, German settlers built a small wooden house for worship and Bible classes. This humble beginning gave rise to what was initially known as Hendra Baptist Church. Friedrich Theodor Franz, a key figure in the church's[...]

By |15 July 2024|Categories: articles|1 Comment

Communion Devotion: Remembering the Garden

Communion Devotion: Remembering the Garden Communion Devotion: Remembering the Garden Scripture Reading: Genesis 2:8-9, 15-17; Genesis 3:6-7 “And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed. And out of the ground the Lord God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of[...]

By |14 July 2024|Categories: articles|Tags: |Comments Off on Communion Devotion: Remembering the Garden

The Benefits of Belonging to a Small Church (I)

The Benefits of Belonging to a Small Church (I) The Benefits of Belonging to a Small Church When choosing a church, many people weigh the advantages of large versus small congregations. While large churches offer extensive programs and resources, research indicates that smaller congregations hold significant benefits, particularly in terms of social support and community life. Stronger Social Support Networks A key benefit of small churches[...]

By |12 July 2024|Categories: articles|Tags: |Comments Off on The Benefits of Belonging to a Small Church (I)



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