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Discovering God in all parts of your life

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The Attraction of Self-Pity

The Attraction of Self-Pity Self-pity is an emotion many people experience, especially in times of hardship or failure. From a Christian perspective, understanding why self-pity can be so attractive is crucial, as it can subtly lead us away from God's truth and purpose. Although it seems to offer comfort, self-pity can become spiritually harmful. This article will explore why self-pity is so appealing and how we can respond biblically. 1.[...]

By |30 September 2024|Categories: articles|Comments Off on The Attraction of Self-Pity

Bible Study Material – Mark 10:13-16

The Worth of a Child: A Reflection on Mark 10:13-16 In Mark 10:13-16, people brought their children to Jesus so He could bless them, but the disciples tried to stop them. Jesus’ response was strong: “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall[...]

By |20 September 2024|Categories: articles, Bible Study Material|Comments Off on Bible Study Material – Mark 10:13-16

Sermon Notes 2024-09-15 – Breaking Through the Barrier of Wrong Priorities

Sermon Notes: Breaking Through the Barrier of Wrong Priorities Introduction: Churches today often face challenges in attracting newcomers and making them feel at home. One significant barrier that we must confront is the issue of wrong priorities. When we, as a church, focus on our personal desires, we lose sight of our true mission: to love others and glorify God. Let's explore the priorities that can hinder church growth and[...]

By |16 September 2024|Categories: articles, sermon series|Comments Off on Sermon Notes 2024-09-15 – Breaking Through the Barrier of Wrong Priorities

Answering Questions – Romans 12:19

Question: Romans 12:19 "Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” Should we stand firm and seek justice, or just leave it to God and not try to do anything Should We Stand Firm and Seek Justice, or Just Leave It to God and Not Try to Do Anything? Understanding Romans 12:19 and[...]

By |9 September 2024|Categories: articles, Questions and Answers|Comments Off on Answering Questions – Romans 12:19

Sermon Notes 2024-09-09 – Persecuted for Righteousness

Sermon Notes: Blessed Are Those Who Are Persecuted for Righteousness' Sake Text: Matthew 5:10 1. Introduction Persecution is not a possibility but a certainty for Christians who live righteously for Christ. Jesus says in Matthew 5:10 "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." The world’s opposition to righteousness stems from its inherent rejection of the light. Living for Christ exposes darkness,[...]

By |9 September 2024|Categories: articles, sermon series|Comments Off on Sermon Notes 2024-09-09 – Persecuted for Righteousness

Answering Questions – James 5:14-15

Question: James 5:14-15 - How to apply this? After practising, do we believe God's going to heal at His time when we don't see results yet or just believe God has healed because the Bible says so. "Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer[...]

By |9 September 2024|Categories: articles, Questions and Answers|Comments Off on Answering Questions – James 5:14-15

Getting to the Heart of Behaviour: A Biblical Approach to Childrearing

Getting to the Heart of Behavior: A Biblical Approach to Childrearing The Bible teaches that the heart is the control center of life, and that a person's actions are a reflection of what is within their heart. Proverbs 4:23 emphasizes this truth, stating, "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." This powerful image illustrates that all aspects of life, including behaviour, flow from the[...]

By |2 September 2024|Categories: articles|Comments Off on Getting to the Heart of Behaviour: A Biblical Approach to Childrearing

Sermon 2024-09-01 – Fathers day 2024

Sermon Summary - Father’s Day 2024 A Reflection on Fatherhood and Spiritual Leadership Good morning, everyone, and Happy Father's Day! Today, we gather not just to celebrate but to reflect on the sacred responsibility that comes with fatherhood. And yes, there’s a special treat after service—a free sausage sizzle for all fathers! For everyone else, well, you can still join in, because who hasn’t had a father? It’s a day[...]

By |1 September 2024|Categories: articles, sermon series|Comments Off on Sermon 2024-09-01 – Fathers day 2024

The Difference Between Premillennialism and Historical Premillennialism?

The Difference Between Premillennialism and Historical Premillennialism?Many People Don't Understand... Premillennialism is a Christian eschatological view that Christ will return to Earth before (pre-) a thousand-year reign, known as the Millennium, during which He will establish a kingdom of peace and righteousness. This concept has evolved and changed over time, leading to distinctions between what we will call historical premillennialism and the modern forms of premillennialism we hear about today,[...]

By |26 August 2024|Categories: articles|Comments Off on The Difference Between Premillennialism and Historical Premillennialism?

Sermon 2024-08-18 – Understanding the Beatitudes: A pure heart

Understanding the Beatitudes: A pure heart Introduction In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus presents a series of teachings known as the Beatitudes, which define the attitudes and characteristics of those who belong to the Kingdom of Heaven. Among these, the call to be "pure in heart" stands out as one of the most profound and challenging. This concept transcends mere external actions, delving into the very essence of a person's[...]

By |19 August 2024|Categories: articles, sermon series|Comments Off on Sermon 2024-08-18 – Understanding the Beatitudes: A pure heart


Combined Christian Churches

Christian Combined Centre Multi – Church Model “For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body —whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free— and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.” 1 Cor 12:4-6 We are proud partners of a Christian Multi denomination church model here in[...]

By |9 July 2024|Categories: news|Comments Off on Combined Christian Churches

Healing Service

“Dry bones , hear the Word of the Lord ” Ezekiel 37:4 Simon and Sandra are planning to begin an evangelical miracle healing ministry at Deak’s cafe. For the last six years, Simon has had a real yearning to see God move in this realm. He feels the Lord has directed him to pursue this vision. The Lord has been speaking to him and preparing him for[...]

By |8 July 2024|Categories: news|Comments Off on Healing Service

2024 June – March for Life

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5 Please Join us Speeches start at 2 pm and we march at 3 pm – looking forward to seeing you there. For More Information – 8th June Brisbane City @ Speakers Corner Outside Parliament House [...]

By |8 July 2024|Categories: news|Comments Off on 2024 June – March for Life

Refugee Week 2024 – What Does the Bible say

“He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the sojourner (refugee), giving him food and clothing. Love the sojourner, therefore, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt.” Deuteronomy 10:18-19 Human Dignity and the Image of God As Christians, we believe that every human being is created in the image of God, endowed with inherent worth, dignity, and deserving of respect. This belief is central to[...]

By |8 July 2024|Categories: news|Comments Off on Refugee Week 2024 – What Does the Bible say


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