Title: “The Generosity of Time: A Christian Imperative”

In a fast-paced world, where time is often scarce, we turn to the teachings of Jesus for guidance on how we can embody generosity in the use of this precious resource – time.

We will look at Jesus attitude was of time in a practical way, for himself, friends and family as well as Gods greater calling. I practical sermon, to help us more than survive, but thrive in today’s context.

Jane Turner
4/2/2024 10:44:06 am
God says, “regardless of how busy you are, when He calls, instead of saying ‘I don’t have the time’, say ‘I am here Lord, send me’ “

8/2/2024 03:20:42 pm
You have some up the teaching and attitude we all should have.
So the best reply I can give is … “AMEN”